Category Archives: Infrastructure

Leachate Transfer Main

Sunshine Coast Council – Leachate Transfer Main, Caloundra and Nambour Landfill

Sunshine Coast Council – Leachate Transfer Main, Caloundra and Nambour Landfill

Carruthers Contracting are proud to have partnered with the Sunshine Coast Council in the construction of Cell 9 rising main at the Caloundra Landfill site; and cell bases, batter and intermediate landforms Nambour Landfill site. This included rising main (duplicate 90mm PE) from exiting Cell 9 pump extraction, electrical infrastructure & 2 electrical & rising main off-takes; along with all the associated civil works to achieve these outcomes.

Windibi Helipads

QGC – Windibri and Kenya Helicopter Pad Construction

QGC - Windibri and Kenya Helicopter Pad Construction

Carruthers Contracting has further assisted in the Surat Basin energy market with the construction of Helicopter Pads at the Windibri and Kenya locations for QGC. The challenges of sourcing suitable materials to meet specifications were reflected in Carruthers’ procurement systems to achieve desired outcomes in remote locations in the region. Other factors impacting the delivery were allowance for helicopter specifications; and its application. In addition to this, existing site infrastructure and peripheral items were also considered for safe delivery of this infrastructure.

Caloundra Sports Complex Carpark

Sunshine Coast Council – Caloundra Sports Complex Carpark

Sunshine Coast Council – Caloundra Sports Complex Carpark

Completion of carpark upgrade featuring 131 parking spaces for improved vehicle movement, pedestrian safety and drainage upgrades to reduce the likelihood of flooding – all whilst preserving native vegetation. Required for the change, disciplines included: layout, kerb and channel, footpath realignment, pavement & asphalting placement and landscaping.

Project Sunshine Coast Solar Farm

Sunshine Coast Solar Farm

Sunshine Coast Solar Farm

Carruthers Contracting are proud to have partnered with the Sunshine Coast Council in the construction of the Sunshine Coast Solar Farm located at Valdora. The council is the first local government to offset its entire electricity consumption across all of its facilities as a result of these endeavours. Carruthers were responsible for the construction of the civil aspect of this award-winning infrastructure, which included: hardstands, access roads, culverts, drainage and external road widenings.